Over time, the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids 时间久了,蛋壳中的蛋白质就会分解为其构成成分氨基酸。
Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries. 久而久之,这项技术传播到了其他国家并得到利用。
Ground rents are likely to escalate over time. 地租以后可能会逐渐上涨。
Over time she internalized her parents 'attitudes. 随着时间的流逝她认同了父母的看法并将之融为自我意识的一部分。
Ideas about the social significance of religion have changed over time 关于宗教的社会意义的看法已经随着时间的变迁而改变。
Over time, students need to transition financial responsibilities over from their parents. 一段时间后,学生就需要将父母身上的经济责任过渡到自己身上了。
All these things I think have added costs over time. 我认为所有这些都逐渐推高了成本。
I hope over time that people recognize that we are objective and independent. 我希望人们最终能认识到,我们是独立而客观的。
In addition, over time more floral regions of varying shape and size have been recognized. 此外,随着时间的推移,人们发现了更多形状和大小不一的植物区域。
Over time, I have noticed that many of the questions are repeated. 随着时间推移,我注意到其中许多问题是重复的。
However, over time, markets and products change. 但是,随着时间的过去,市场和产品在变化。
The intent is to show what has changed over time. 其目的是为了说明随时间发生了什么变化。
But over time, the rationale for any one test had been lost. 但是随着时间的过去,每个测试的理论根据已经失去了。
By considering these items now, you will make it easier to cope with change and growth over time. 现在,通过分析这些项,应对随时间推移而产生的更改和发展会更容易。
All the applications have been heavily customized over time. 所有应用程序都随着时间推移而进行了大量的自定义。
Over time, this practice results in higher quality code and more rapid release cycles. 这样,就保证了高质量的代码和更加迅速的发行周期。
Figures and EditParts will be garbage collected and recreated over time. 随着时间推移,将对图形和EditPart进行垃圾收集处理并重新创建。
This report gives you a good indication of velocity over time. 该报告给您了一个很好的随着时间的速度的指示。
Although the delayed allocation method reduces fragmentation, over time, a large file system can become fragmented. 虽然延时分配的方法可以减少磁盘碎片,但时间久了,一个大的文件系统可能会成为碎片。
Action started as an interface and changed into a class over time. Action开始为一个接口,后来却变成了一个类。
This grows over time, usually by adding more clients and additional storage on the server. 这可能随时间增长而扩大,通常的扩展方法是添加更多的客户端和在服务器上添加存储空间。
In this example the improvement is incremental over time. 在本例中,改进会随着时间增长而增长。
If it is constant over time, a probable deadlock or hang could have occurred. 如果它长时间不变,那么很可能是发生了死锁或挂起。
In a continuous-integration environment, it's possible to evaluate the method's complexity over time. 在持续集成环境中,随时间变化评估方法的复杂度是有可能的。
Over time as users come and go, this will greatly simplify database schema and privilege management. 随着时间的推移,面临着用户的来来去去,这样将大大简化数据库模式和特权的管理。
That is not what we see with over 1/ 3 of projects being over cost and over time. 但那并不是我们所看到的的实际情况,有超过1/3的项目超出成本和时间超期。
Over time, we have noticed that its performance is also similar to WPT. 随着时间的推移,我们注意到,其性能也类似于WPT。
Our original, minimal set of viewpoints has grown over time. 我们最初的最小集合的视点随着时间增长了。
Over time, Samantha learns and grows, discovering her own needs and desires and forming her own personality. 随着时间的推移,萨曼莎在不断学习和成长中逐渐产生了需求和欲望,并形成了自己的个性。
So over time, time and space have compressed because of this. 随着时间推移,时间和空间已因此而压缩。